Corsham Print
Wiltshire Senior League
U18 Division Fixtures &
Note re U18 Roundups

U18 Division Fixtures - Season 2024-25

All the Under 18 Fixtures for Season 2024-25 are now appearing on FA Full-Time. The Division will comprise 11 teams this coming season, Salisbury having advised since the AGM that they will not now be entering due to ground availability issues. Teams fixtures can be viewed directly on FA Full-Time or on the teams' directory entry on the League website.

Player Data No Longer Visible

Please see statement below from the FA which now appears on the admin page of FA Full-Time. Appearance and goals scored etc will apparently now no longer appear on FA Full-Time for our Under 18 Division.

All data relating to appearances and goals scored in Under 18 fixtures going back to 2014-15 has also now been hidden from public view, also for "safeguarding reasons".

In light of the above please note that there will no longer be the usual roundups of games and list of leading goal scorers in the Under 18 Division this coming season.

16 July 2024

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