1 Order of Business: The Order of Business of an Annual General Meeting shall be as set out in League Rule 6(A) and no departure there from shall be allowed except as is provided in these Standing Orders, or subject to the provision that the Chairman may, in his discretion, vary the order of any business specified on the Agenda, at any stage of the proceedings, and, subject also to the provisions of the Standing Orders.
2 Agenda: A copy of the duly audited Balance Sheet Statement of Accounts and Agenda shall be forwarded to each member club at least seven days prior to the meeting.
3 Withdrawal of Motion or Amendment: A Motion or Amendment which is set forth on the agenda or which has been seconded, cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the meeting.
4 Motions without Notice and without Debate: The following motions may at any time be moved without previous notice:-
(i) That precedence be given to any particular business set forth on the agenda. (ii) That the question now be put. (iii) That the meeting proceed to the next business. (iv) That the meeting be adjourned.
Provided that any motion under sections (i), (ii), or (iii) shall in the seconding thereof be immediately put to the vote without discussion and no amendment shall be allowed, and provided also that any motion under section (iv) may at the discretion of the Chairman be discussed, and he may allow amendments to be moved thereto.
5 Motion or Amendment not Seconded: A Motion or an Amendment shall not be open to discussion until it has been seconded; if any motion or amendment fails to find a seconder, the meeting shall proceed to the next business.
6 Amendments: If an Amendment to a motion be moved and seconded, a further amendment shall not be moved until the first amendment is disposed of. If an amendment be negatived a further amendment may be moved to the original motion, but only one amendment shall be submitted at one time. Whenever an amendment to a motion is carried, the motion as so amended shall become the substantive motion to which any further amendment may be moved. No member shall be permitted to move or second more than two amendments upon any motion. An amendment shall be either:
(a) To omit words. (b) To insert words OR (c) To omit words in order to insert others.
7 Reserving Speech: A representative may formally second a motion or an amendment, reserving his speech for a later period of the debate.
8 Representative Speaking: A representative before speaking shall state his name and the name of the Club that he represents.
9 Priority of Speaking: If two or more representatives rise at the same time to speak, the Chairman shall decide to whom priority shall be given.
10 Representative to Speak Once: A representative shall not speak more than once to the same motion or amendment, except in explanation or (being the mover of a motion) in reply as provided in Standing Order No. 12.
11 Time Limit on Speeches: The mover of a motion or an amendment shall be allowed to speak up to six minutes but each succeeding speaker shall not be allowed to speak for more than three minutes, provided that the prescribed time limit may be exceeded only with the consent of the Chairman.
12 Right of Reply: Only the mover of a motion (including the mover of an amendment which has become the substantive motion) shall have the right of reply. Provided that this be confined to answering previous speakers, and that no new matter be introduced. After the reply, if any, the motion shall be put to the vote forthwith.
13 Questions and Points of Order: A representative may at any time raise a point of order or ask a question, but must confine the point of order or question to the subject matter before the meeting. He must address the Chairman through whom all questions shall be put.
14 Conduct of Proceedings: The proceedings of this meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules and Constitutions of the League and these Standing Orders. In cases not provided for the Chairman shall decide.
15 Ruling of Chairman: The ruling of the Chairman shall in all cases be final and binding and not be discussed.
16 Chairman Rising: On the Chairman rising, any representative then standing shall immediately resume his seat and remain silent.
17 Suspension of Standing Orders: Standing Orders may be suspended by the resolution passed by the meeting, provided that at least two-thirds of the representatives present and voting shall vote for the resolution or in the case of a ballot at least two-thirds of the votes cast are for the resolution.
18 Disorder: In the event of disorder the Chairman may, at his sole discretion leave the chair and adjourn the meeting. The meeting shall then stand adjourned.
1 The Management Committee shall meet to deal with the business of the League as it arises. The dates, times and venues of such meetings shall be at the discretion of the Chairman and Hon General Secretary, but the period between consecutive meetings shall not exceed twelve weeks.
2 Notice of all such meetings shall be sent to individual members to reach them at least seven days prior to the meeting and containing an agenda of the business to be transacted.
3 The business of the meetings shall be proceeded with in the following order:-
(a) The minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read (if they have not been circulated) and approved as a record of the transactions thereat. They shall then be signed by the Chairman. (b) The business arising out of such meeting(s) shall then be disposed of. (c) Correspondence with the League. (d) Hon. General Secretary’s Report on business, which has arisen since the previous meeting. (e) Sub-Committee Reports:- (i) Emergency (ii) Discipline (iii) Finance (iv) Referees (v) Cups (f) Motions of which notice has been given. (g) Motions of which notice has not been given. (h) Other Business at the discretion of the Chairman.
4 The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-Committees when necessary and may delegate all or any of their powers to any such Sub-Committee. Five members shall form a quorum of the Management Committee and three of any Sub-Committee.
5 Notice of Motion shall be delivered to the Hon General Secretary at least ten days before the date of the meeting at which the motion is to be considered. When a motion is moved at a meeting without notice the Chairman may, having regard to the importance of the matter to be considered, require that notice of motion be given.
6 Each question put to the vote at a Management Committee Meeting shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast by members present. Voting shall be by show of hands and no member of the Management Committee shall be allowed to take part in a discussion or vote on any issue concerning himself or a club of which he is a member and he shall retire from the meeting if members so decide. In the event of the voting at any meeting being equal the Chairman of such meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
7 All accounts shall be presented to and passed by the Management Committee and all cheques shall be signed by any two of the following:- Chairman, Hon General Secretary or Treasurer.
8 At the end of every season, the Hon General Secretary shall prepare the Annual Report and the Hon Treasurer the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts, and shall present same to the last Management Committee Meeting when consideration shall also be given to the granting of Life Membership of the League to retiring Officers and Management Committee members with a record of long service to the League (such service to include those years given to the Wiltshire Football League or the Wiltshire County Combination League prior to amalgamation in 1976.
Nominations shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee but all such nominations shall require the approval and confirmation of the Annual General Meeting.
9 No member shall take part in any matter, which could be construed as being prejudicial to the prestige of the Wiltshire Football League.